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Medical speciality encompassing the knowledge, diagnosis and treatment of pathologies produced by immunological mechanisms, with a particular emphasis on allergies.


Ana Melissa Olano Rocha

Dr. Ana Melissa Olano Rocha

IMED Levante, IMED International Center

Allergology, Pediatric Allergy and Pulmonology


The diagnosis of an allergy is based on finding out exactly what the allergy is. By performing a diagnostic study of the allergy, the aim is to reveal the presence of an allergy with controlled skin tests, which are very simple and harmless tests. An extract of an allergen is placed on the skin, provoking a minor reaction. There are other methods which more commonly are used to clarify confusing results, such as blood tests or exposing the allergen substance directly to the eyes and nose.

An allergic reaction is caused by the body’s excessive production of defences to a product.


Preventing allergies is very difficult. However, you can take a series of preventive measures once a correct diagnosis has been given and you have precise information about your allergy. Furthermore, if you take the treatments prescribed by the doctor, the symptoms of your allergy should become less intense.