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  • IMED Levante Hospital
  • IMED Levante Hospital
  • IMED Levante Hospital

IMED Levante Hospital

Factor humano y tecnología punta

Quality healthcare in Alicante

IMED Levante is situated in Benidorm, providing multidisciplinary health care to the province of Alicante. This centre has the best possible technological resources for medical professionals to develop their private sector work with the highest standards of quality in a completely safe clinical environment. Its facilities occupy a total surface area of 18,500 m2 with 106 rooms and 8 beds in the intensive care unit.

Ampliación IMED Levante

More than 2.700 professionals work in our 14 health centers from Alicante, Valencia and Murcia to take care of your health.

The IMED hospital group values are based on 3 fundamental pillars:

  • Committed to our patients who are the essence and the focus of our activity and ensuring the best possible personalised health care and attention.
  • Committed and oriented towards quality. We adopt a proactive attitude with the aim of implanting continual improvement of all aspects of the service we provide each day. We know the small details mark the difference.
  • Committed towards implementing the latest innovation and technology facilitating the relationship with our patients and an important differentiating element of the IMED group.

Specialized Units

IMED Levante have prestigious specialized units, that have become the best example of quality assistance and high specialization.

We work with national and international insurances

We cooperate with national and international insurances, work accident insurances and traffic accidents.

More about insurances

Press Room

All IMED TV Videos

IMED Health | 3 de April

Osteoporosis | Dr. María Granados

IMED Health | 9 de March

Reumatology | Dr. Jaime Fernández Campillo

All IMED TV Videos